Theme of conversation for lunch and dinner

Often a person gets an invitation luncheon or dinner by the relation. What is the theme of the conversation appropriate for a lunch or dinner? Can I freely discuss outside the context of a job? What about ethics?

Yes, in life we cannot avoid the invitation of the relation for lunch or dinner. Not a problem if we have been accustomed to our relationship. The problem is if the relationship is invited to lunch or evening was a new person in our business relationships. All the preparations may be in order to earn the maximum on time can make a good impression. Here is the theme of the conversation appropriate for lunch and dinner with business relations.

The theme for lunch conversation
If we get a lunch invitation, then, in addition to the business theme, which should be discussed, is about favourites foods, restaurants that are popular, a hobby, success story people.

At the luncheon should avoid the theme of age, the problems of a personal nature, or about politics-if your relationship is not one stream and can cause conflicts.

The theme for tonight's dinner conversation
If the banquet event at night, so best to use the opportunity to know personally or their families closer.

Meanwhile, to avoid discussion of the theme for dinner is about business, because dinner is more personal.

I hope that you can give a positive impression of the relationship.